Cita sugerida
Center for the Study of Child Care Employment (CSCCE). (2024). Conjunto de herramientas de
participación y empoderamiento para educadoras de la primera infancia de California. University of
California, Berkeley.
- Johnson, H., McGhee, E., & Cuellar Mejia, M. (2023). California’s Population. Public Policy Institute of California.,according%20to%20the%202020%20Census
- Kim, Y., Powell, A., & Montoya, E. (2021). Estimated Size of the California ECE Workforce. Center for the Study of Child Care Employment, University of California, Berkeley.
- KIDS COUNT Data Center. (2022). Child population by race and age group in California.,1729,37,871,870,573,869,36,868,867/68,69,67,12,70,66,71|/17077,17078
- Center for the Study of Child Care Employment. (2022). Profiles of the California Early Care and Education Workforce, 2020. University of California, Berkeley.
- Burton, A., Mihaly, J., Kagiwada, J., & Whitebook, M. (2000). The CARES Initiative in California: Pursuing Public Policy to Build a Skilled and Stable Child Care Workforce, 1997-2000. Center for the Study of Child Care Employment, University of California, Berkeley.,Child%20Care%20Workforce%2C%201997%2D2000&text=This%20report%20details%20California%20CARES,and%20development%20services%20throughout%20California
- Center for the Study of Child Care Employment. (2022). Child Care Sector Jobs: BLS Analysis. University of California, Berkeley.
- Illinois State Government. (2023). Press Release: Gov. Pritzker Launches Smart Start Tour with Visits to Springfield, Metro East, and Mount Vernon.
- Ballotpedia. (2022). New Mexico Constitutional Amendment 1, Land Grant Permanent Fund Distribution for Early Childhood Education Amendment (2022).,_Land_Grant_Permanent_Fund_Distribution_for_Early_Childhood_Education_Amendment_(2022)
- Basado en datos autodeclarados. Para el cuidado infantil basado en el hogar, las proveedoras trabajan por cuenta propia y es posible que no cuantifiquen sus salarios por hora o mensualmente. Para calcular su pago neto, multiplicamos el ingreso anual total de su hogar en el 2019 por la parte declarada ganada por su trabajo en el cuidado y educación de la primera infancia. No ajustamos los ingresos en función de las horas trabajadas. Los cálculos de las proveedoras de FCC están ajustados por índice de precios al consumidor para el otoño de 2020, al momento de la encuesta. Para obtener información adicional, consulte el informe.
- Center for the Study of Child Care Employment. (2022). Profiles of the California Early Care and Education Workforce, 2020. University of California, Berkeley.
- Powell, A. (2022). California’s Early Educators Can’t Afford to Retire. Center for the Study of Child Care Employment, University of California, Berkeley.
- Center for the Study of Child Care Employment. (2022). Profiles of the California Early Care and Education Workforce, 2020. University of California, Berkeley.
- Powell, A. (2022). California’s Early Educators Can’t Afford to Retire. Center for the Study of Child Care Employment, University of California, Berkeley.
- Center for the Study of Child Care Employment.(2022). Profiles of the California Early Care and Education Workforce, 2020. University of California, Berkeley.
- Powell, A. (2022). California’s Early Educators Can’t Afford to Retire. Center for the Study of Child Care Employment, University of California, Berkeley.
- Melnick, H., García, E., & Leung-Gagné, M. (2022). Building a Well-Qualified Transitional Kindergarten Workforce in California: Needs and Opportunities. Learning Policy Institute.
- Según datos de muestras de no probabilidad de 280 maestras de TK en California que participaron en el Estudio de la Fuerza Laboral en California del 2020.
- O aproximadamente $82,000 anualmente según nuestra muestra del 2020 California Early Care and Education Workforce Study.
- Powell, A., Montoya, E., Austin, L.J.E., Kim, Y., Muruvi, W., & Copeman Petig, A. (2023). Teachers of Preschool-Age Children in California. Center for the Study of Child Care Employment, University of California, Berkeley.
- Center for the Study of Child Care Employment. (2022). Profiles of the California Early Care and Education Workforce, 2020. University of California, Berkeley.
- Center for the Study of Child Care Employment. (n.d.) The Learning Together Study. Center for the Study of Child Care Employment, University of California, Berkeley.
- Schlieber, M., & McLean, C. (2020). Educator Work Environments Are Children’s Learning Environments: How and Why They Should Be Improved. Center for the Study of Child Care Employment, University of California, Berkeley.
- U.S. Department of the Treasury. (2021). The Economics of Child Care Supply in the United States.
- Schlieber, M., Whitebook, M., Austin, L.J.E. Hankey, A., & Duke, M. (2019). Teachers’ Voices: Work Environment Conditions That Impact Teacher Practice and Program Quality — Marin County. Center for the Study of Child Care Employment, University of California, Berkeley.
- Muruvi, W., Powell, A., Kim, Y., Copeman Petig, A., & Austin, L.J.E. (2023). The Emotional and Physical Well-Being of Early Educators in California. Early Educator Well-Being Series.Center for the Study of Child Care Employment, University of California, Berkeley.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2016). 1 in 3 adults don’t get enough sleep. CDC Newsroom.
- Muruvi, W., Powell, A., Kim, Y., Copeman Petig, A., & Austin, L.J.E. (2023). The Emotional and Physical Well-Being of Early Educators in California. Early Educator Well-Being Series. Center for the Study of Child Care Employment, University of California, Berkeley.
- Powell, A., Montoya, E., Austin, L.J.E., Kim, Y., Muruvi, W., & Copeman Petig, A. (2023). Teachers of Preschool-Age Children in California. Center for the Study of Child Care Employment, University of California, Berkeley.
- Kim, Y., Montoya, E., Austin, L.J.E., Powell, A., & Muruvi, W. (2022). Early Care and Education Programs During COVID-19: Persistent Inequities and Emerging Challenges. Center for the Study of Child Care Employment, University of California, Berkeley.
- Center for the Study of Child Care Employment. (2019). The Model Work Standards. University of California, Berkeley.
- Muruvi, W., Powell, A., Kim, Y., Copeman Petig, A., & Austin, L.J.E. (2023). The Emotional and Physical Well-Being of Early Educators in California. Early Educator Well-Being Series. Center for the Study of Child Care Employment, University of California, Berkeley.
- Friedman-Krauss, A.H., Barnett, W.S., Hodges, K.S., Garver, K.A., Weisenfeld, G., Gardiner, B.A., & Jost, T.M. (2023). The State of Preschool 2022: State Preschool Yearbook. National Institute for Early Education Research.
- California Child Care Resource & Referral Network. (2023). Subsidies & Regulations.,that%20was%20developed%20in%201997
- Capito, J., Fallin Kenyon, K., & Workman, S., (2022). Understanding the True Cost of Child Care in California: Building a cost model to inform policy change. Prenatal to Five Fiscal Strategies.
- Powell, A., Muruvi, W., Austin, L.J.E., & Copeman Petig, A. (2023). The Early Care and Education Workforce and Workplace in Los Angeles County. Center for the Study of Child Care Employment, University of California, Berkeley.
- Center for the Study of Child Care Employment. (2020). Why Do Parents Pay So Much for Child Care When Early Educators Earn So Little? University of California, Berkeley.
- San Francisco Office of the Mayor. (2022). News Releases: Mayor Breed Announces Pay Raise Initiative for Early Educators in City-Funded Programs.
- Rate Reform and Quality Workgroup. (2022). A Report by the Rate Reform and Quality Workgroup. California Department of Social Services.
- Capito, J., Fallin Kenyon, K., & Workman, S. (2022). Understanding the True Cost of Child Care in California: Building a cost model to inform policy change. Prenatal to Five Fiscal Strategies.
- Kim, Y., Austin, L.J.E., & Hess, H. (2023). The Multilayered Effects of Racism on Early Educators in California: An Examination of Disparities in Wages, Leadership Roles, and Education. Center for the Study of Child Care Employment, University of California, Berkeley.
- Center for the Study of Child Care Employment. (n.d.) Activist Movements. Early Childhood History, Organizing, Ethos, and Strategy (ECHOES) project. University of California, Berkeley.
- Whitebook, M. (2001). Working for Worthy Wages: The Child Care Compensation Movement, 1970-2001. Center for the Study of Child Care Employment, University of California, Berkeley.
- Child Care Providers United. (2023). Child Care Provider United Contract.
- Black Californians United for ECE. (2023). Lift Every Voice.
- Valerio, D. & Goity, S. (2023). Analysis of labor organizing, unionization, and collective bargaining strategies for the early care and education workforce. Center for the Study of Child Care Employment, University of California, Berkeley.
- California Health and Human Services Agency. (n.d.). Early Childhood Policy Council.
- California Department of Social Services. (n.d.). Rate Reform and Quality.
El California E4 Toolkit fue generosamente respaldado por la Blue Shield of California Foundation y por la Heising-Simons Foundation. El contenido se basa en investigaciones de educadoras de la primera infancia y sobre estas, así como aportaciones de educadoras de la primera infancia basadas en California.
Damos un agradecimiento especial a las educadoras de la primera infancia que colaboraron con nosotros en este conjunto de herramientas: Elianna Campos, Christine Colbert, Katsuko Kataoka, Yessika Magdaleno, Sydney McCook, Tonia McMillian, Tessie Ragan, Nell Redaniel, Silvia Valdovinos y Vanessa Valim. Gracias a nuestras colegas en el CSCCE por su apoyo, guía y revisión: Brandy Jones Lawrence, Dr. Yoonjeon Kim, Wanzi Muruvi y Penelope Whitney. Gracias a Claudia Alvarenga por su orientación y liderazgo en el diseño del conjunto de herramientas.
Preparado por: Hopeton Hess y Lea J.E. Austin
Editora: Deborah Meacham
Diseñador: Accomplice LLC.
Acerca de CSCCE
Fundado en 1999, el Center for the Study of Child Care Employment (CSCCE, Centro para
Estudios del Empleo del Cuidado Infantil) es el referente nacional en investigación y políticas
sobre la fuerza laboral del cuidado y la educación de la primera infancia. Actuamos bajo
la premisa de que las educadoras deben ser valoradas y respetadas y se les debe garantizar
dignidad económica y la certeza de que el cuidado y la educación de la primera infancia son
responsabilidades públicas.