From October through December 2020, we surveyed representative samples of approximately 2,000 center administrators and 3,000 home-based family child care (FCC) providers, as well as a non-probability sample of about 2,500 center-based teaching staff members. Since collecting this rich dataset, we have published several data snapshots and reports.

Click on the provider type to jump to their profile in the page below. You can also download a PDF version of each profile at the top of the page.

Family Child Care (FCC) Providers


There are approximately 24,700 FCC providers in California. Nearly all (98%) are women. Read more.

Demographics of FCC providers: 71% teachers of color, 53% age 50 or older, 52% speak languages besides English.

Education and Experience

Most FCC providers have deep experience; many hold degrees. One quarter (24%) belong to a union. Read more.

Median tenure in ECE is 17 years. 30% have a bachelor’s or higher, and 1 in 4 has a Child Development Permit at the teacher level or higher.


Income varies by licensed capacity, region, and more. About one half of FCC providers (48%) earn most or all of their household’s income through work with children. Read the full report.

The median earnings of a small FCC provider are between $16,200 to $30,000. A large provider earns between $40,000 and $56,400. Only 21% have retirement savings of any kind, and 87% have health insurance. Insurance is most commonly purchased through a spouse (38%) or on Covered California (22%).

Economic Well-Being

One third of FCC providers worry that their earnings are not enough to support their family. Read our report.

 71% own their own home, and 15% have student loan debt. More than one third experience food insecurity (not having enough food, or the right kinds of food to eat).

Child Care Center Teaching Staff

Size of the Workforce

Approximately 83,800 lead teachers and assistants/aides work in child care centers in California. Read more.

Estimated teaching workforce in California child care centers: 60,800 lead teachers and 23,000 assistants or aides.


Most center teaching staff are people of color (66%). Nearly all (98%) are women. Read more.

Demographics of teaching staff: 66% teachers of color, 35% age 50 or older, 48% speak languages besides English.

Education and Experience

Many educators have a long tenure in the field and a degree. One quarter (23%) belong to a union. Read more.


In 2020, median hourly wages in child care centers were $16 for an assistant teacher and $19 for a lead teacher. The California minimum wage for employers with at least 5 employees was $14. Read the full report.

 Median hourly wage is $16 for assistants and $19 for lead teachers. Only 50% of lead teachers have retirement savings as well as only 39% of assistants. While 9 out of 10 educators has health insurance, only 47% of assistants with health insurance enroll with their employers, compared to 58% of lead teachers.

Economic Well-Being

Two thirds of center teaching staff worry about covering their family’s bills. Read our report.

40% of center teaching staff own their home; 29% have student loan debt; and one third experience food insecurity (lacking the right kinds of food, or enough food at all).

Child Care Center Directors


There are more than 9,500 child care centers in California, each run by a director, site supervisor, or other administrator. Nearly all directors (97%) are women. Read more about their characteristics.

Demographics of directors: 45% teachers of color, 53% age 50 or older, 31% speak languages besides English.

Education and Experience

Most directors have deep experience and hold a bachelor’s degree or higher. Read more.

Median tenure in ECE is 17 years for a director. 73% has a BA or higher. Two out of three hold a Child Development Permit at the Teacher level or higher.


Less than one half (41%) of center directors earn most or all of their household’s income through work with children. Read the full report.

The median hourly wage was $26.01 for directors. 21% work more than 40 hours per week. 53% have any retirement savings and 93% have any health insurance.

Economic Well-Being

About one half (49%) of directors worry about having enough to pay their family’s monthly bills. Read our report.

Two thirds own their own home, and one quarter have student loan debt. Only 18% experience food insecurity - primarily in the form of lacking the right kinds of food they need.

Suggested Citation

Center for the Study of Child Care Employment. (2022). Profiles of the California Early Care and Education Workforce, 2020. University of California, Berkeley.


This factsheet was generously supported by grants from the Heising-Simons Foundation, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, and the Silicon Valley Community Foundation.

The views expressed in this factsheet are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent collaborating organizations or funders. 

Designer: Anna Powell

Editor: Deborah Meacham