
Early Educator Voices in Florida: Flagler and Volusia Counties

Work Environment Conditions That Impact Early Educator Practice and Program Quality

This Educator Voices report examines the working conditions that impact educator practice and well-being in center-based programs in Flagler and Volusia Counties, Florida. 

The study documents the experiences of early educators since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and is the first to look at the relationship between educators’ future plans and supports in their work environment.

The SEQUAL survey is administered by CSCCE and measures five domains of the work environment for center-based teaching staff (Teaching Supports, Learning Community, Job Crafting, Adult Well-Being, and Program Leadership). It captures early educators’ perspectives on workplace conditions that support their practice and well-being.  

Our main findings include:

  • Educators noted persistent staffing challenges; teaching staff who felt supported in their work environment were more likely to want to stay at their current center.
  • Teaching staff reported having insufficient training for working with children with challenging behaviors and those who are dual language learners; close to two thirds reported having children who speak another language in their classroom. 
  • The hourly median wage in Flagler and Volusia Counties was $13.75 for teaching staff and $19.81 for program leaders. Many early educators struggled to afford housing, health care, sufficient food, and other basic necessities for themselves and their families, and a majority of early educators relied on at least one form of public support.

Suggested Citation

Schlieber, M., Copeman Petig, A., Valencia López, E., & Pufall Jones, E. (2023). Early Educator Voices in Florida: Flagler and Volusia Counties. Work Environment Conditions That Impact Early Educator Practice and Program Quality. Center for the Study of Child Care Employment, University of California, Berkeley.