Click on a U.S. state in the map, select a state from the dropdown menu, or download a data table to learn more about early educators of color.
- < 20%
- 20%–40%
- 40%–60%
- ≥ 60%
- Educators of Color
- Children Under Age 6 of Color
Click on a U.S. state in the map, select a state from the dropdown menu, or download a data table to learn more about early educators with a primary language other than English.
- < 5%
- 5%–20%
- 20%–35%
- ≥ 35%
- Primary Language Other Than English
- Most Common Language Other Than English
- Second Most Common Language Other Than English
Click on a U.S. state in the map, select a state from the dropdown menu, or download a data table to learn more about median wages.
- < $12
- $12–$13.99
- ≥ $14
- Early Care and Education Workforce
- Child Care Workers
- Preschool Teachers
- Elementary and Middle School Teachers
- All Occupations
Click on a U.S. state in the map, select a state from the dropdown menu, or download a data table to learn more about percent change in wages.
- decrease (1% or more)
- no change (less than 1%)
- small increase (1-4.9%)
- moderate increase (5-9.9%)
- large increase (10+%)
- Early Care and Education Workforce
- Elementary and Middle School Teachers
- All Occupations
Click on a U.S. state in the map, select a state from the dropdown menu, or download a data table to learn more about the living wage gap.
- 0 - 14%
- 15 - 24%
- 25 - 29%
- 30% +
- Living Wage Gap (Percent)
- Living Wage Gap (Amount)
- Median Wage
- Living Wage for One Adult, No Children
Click on a U.S. state in the map, select a state from the dropdown menu, or download a data table to learn more about early educators’ living below the federal poverty line.
- < 14%
- 14%–15%
- 15%–17%
- ≥ 17%
- Early Care and Education Workforce
- Elementary and Middle School Teachers
- All Occupations
- Poverty Ratio (ECE to Elementary/Middle)
- Public Safety Net Participation
- Public Safety Net Cost
Click on a U.S. state in the map, select a state from the dropdown menu, or download a data table to learn whether a state is stalled, edging forward, or is making headway to improve qualifications and educational supports for the ECE workforce.
- Not Applicable or Not Available
- Stalled
- Edging Forward
- Making Headway
- Minimum Qualifications: Pre-K Lead - BA: Assistant - CDA:
- Minimum Qualifications: Center-Based Director - BA: Lead - BA: Assistant - CDA:
- Minimum Qualifications: Home-Based Lead - BA: Assistant - CDA:
- Scholarships to Support Educational Pathways
- Collects Data on Scholarship Recipients?
Click on a U.S. state in the map, select a state from the dropdown menu, or download a data table to learn whether a state is stalled, edging forward, or is making headway to improve work environments for the ECE workforce.
- Not Applicable or Not Available
- Stalled
- Edging Forward
- Making Headway
- Paid Time for Professional Development? Centers: Homes:
- Paid Planning and/or Preparation Time? Centers: Homes:
- Salary Schedule / Benefits? Centers: Homes:
Click on a U.S. state in the map, select a state from the dropdown menu, or download a data table to learn whether a state is stalled, edging forward, or is making headway to improve compensation & financial relief for the ECE workforce.
- Not Applicable or Not Available
- Stalled
- Edging Forward
- Making Headway
- Salary Parity:
- Compensation Requirements:
- Compensation Guidelines or Plans:
- Dedicated public funding for compensation
- Stipend / Tax Credit
- Bonus
Click on a U.S. state in the map, select a state from the dropdown menu, or download a data table to learn whether a state is stalled, edging forward, or is making headway to improve workforce data for the ECE workforce.
- Not Applicable or Not Available
- Stalled
- Edging Forward
- Making Headway
- Inclusive Across Settings Registry Survey
- Collects Compensation Data Wages (Registry): Wages (Survey): Benefits (Registry): Benefits (Survey):
- Collect Race / Ethnicity Data? Registry Survey
- Reports Aggregate Data Publicly Online? Registry Survey
Click on a U.S. state in the map, select a state from the dropdown menu, or download a data table to learn whether a state is stalled, edging forward, or is making headway to improve public funding for the ECE workforce.
- Not Applicable or Not Available
- Stalled
- Edging Forward
- Making Headway
- State Reported Extra CCDF Spending?
- Ratio of Pre-K to K-12 Spending over 50%?