Early Educator Pay -
Percent changes in median wages 2017-2019
- Not Available
- Increase of 10% or more
- Increase of less than 10%
- No change
- Decrease of less than 10%
- Decrease of 10% or more
Early Childhood Workforce Policies -
- Not Applicable or Not Available
- Stalled
- Edging Forward
- Making Headway
Family & Income Support Policies -
- Not Applicable or Not Available
- Stalled
- Edging Forward
- Making Headway
- 2017 Median Hourly Wage
- 2019 Median Hourly Wage
- Percent Change
- Minimum Qualifications:Pre-KLead - BA: Assistant - CDA:
- Minimum Qualifications:Center-BasedDirector - BA: Lead - BA: Assistant - CDA:
- Minimum Qualifications:Home-BasedLead - BA: Assistant - CDA:
- Scholarships to Support Educational Pathways
- Collects Data on Scholarship Recipients?
- Paid Time for Professional Development?Centers: Homes:
- Paid Planning and/or Preparation Time?Centers: Homes:
- Salary Schedule / Benefits?Centers: Homes:
- Salary Parity:
- Compensation Requirements:
- Compensation Guidelines or Plans:
- Compensation Earmarked in Funding
- Stipend / Tax Credit
- Bonus
- Inclusive Across Settings
- Collects Compensation DataWages: Benefits:Wages: Benefits:
- Collect Race / Ethnicity Data?
- Reports Aggregate Data Publicly Online?
- State Reported Extra CCDF Spending?
- Ratio of Pre-K to K-12 Spending over 50%?
- EITC State Has Refundable Credit:
- State Minimum Wage Higher Than Federal and Indexed for Inflation?
- Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit State Has Refundable Credit?
- State-Wide Mandated Paid Sick Leave?
- State-Wide Mandated Paid Family Leave Program?
- Expanded Medicaid?